How To Make CBD Hard Candies And Sweets At Home?

CBD Gummies
CBD Gummies
CBD Gummies
CBD Gummies

Among the different types of cannabidiol (CBD)-infused products, edibles are liked by both experienced users as well as beginners. The most popular one is gummies because they are available in different flavors and are tasty. Furthermore, their CBD dosage per serving is fixed, and hence, there is a reduced risk of overdosing. Apart from cannabidiol-infused gummies, baked goods, chocolates, and candies are also popular among users. They can be bought from the store readymade, or you can make them at home. The purpose of this article is to introduce you to making CBD hard candy and sweets.

What Is CBD?

CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is a cannabinoid mainly extracted from Cannabis sativa L or industrial hemp plant. Keep in mind that the THC content of this plant is less than 0.3% so that the CBD products made using them will not make you high. The health benefits of CBD are reducing inflammation, relieving pain, managing the symptoms of anxiety, reducing stress, soothing muscle soreness, etc.

Why Should I Make Homemade CBD Hard Candy?

CBD hard candies are for those who consume CBD gummies fast. Their advantage is that the health benefits of cannabidiol last longer as you are consuming them slowly. Due to this, they are a great choice for a daily dose of CBD.

The cannabidiol in CBD hard candy is mainly absorbed into the bloodstream through the oral mucosa and the sublingual gland. Due to this reason, the bioavailability of it is higher, and hence you get better effects. Moreover, you get long-lasting relief from your discomfort because the cannabinoid is slowly released into the circulatory system and used by the ECS.

Recipe For CBD Hard Candy And Sweets


  • 25-50 mg of CBD tincture
  • 2/3 cup corn syrup
  • 2 cups granulated sugar
  • ¼ cup water
  • ½ tsp of fruit extract
  • Food coloring


  • Combine corn syrup, sugar, and water in a small bowl.
  • Transfer the mixture to a medium saucepan.
  • Keep stirring the mixture on medium heat until it reaches 250 F. Stop the stirring and let the mixture heat up to 300 F.
  • Remove the mixture from heat, add cannabidiol (CBD) and optional fruit flavor, and stir until combined.
  • Pour the mixture into a candy mold or onto a baking sheet, and let the candies cool.
  • You can enjoy the candies once they are hardened.