CBD Therapy

There is a variety of things that can disrupt sleep, the major ones among them being pain and anxiety. For instance, if you have ever tried sleeping with a nasty sunburn on your skin, you’d be aware of how pain can get in the way of well-needed shuteye – that’s pain getting in the way. As for anxiety, you may spend the night in anticipation of the following day or laboring under the stress of the previous day – both are bad for sleep. The good news is that you can solve both problems with pure CBD oil, or even CBD gummies.

How CBD Sleep Gummies Work In Your Favor

Many people stand by the powers of CBD sleep gummies as a natural remedy for lack of good sleep. While these haven’t been proven to be a surefire way of dozing off when you want to, they do take care of some of the insomnia risk factors, while also reducing causes of waking up in the middle of the night. CBD therapy may also help with restless legs as well as clenching teeth, which can both disrupt good sleep. CBD sleep gummies are generally also rich in melatonin, which is the natural sleep hormone of the body.

Can You Get Addicted?

It is possible for a person to consume almost anything to excess, and that includes CBD gummies as well. That said, most research into CBD and addiction has explored the former’s capabilities in treating the latter. One example is a study into the treatment of cigarette addiction, and the results were in favor of CBD – users of the latter smoked around forty percent less while the study was underway.

Sugar Content

Most CBD gummies comprise candy with CBD thrown in, in varying amounts. Sugar and other sources of sucrose are often used as sweeteners. The typical CBD gummy can contain as much sugar as found in a sugar cube, although there do exist gummies that are sugar-free. You should check the sugar content of the CBD product before use, in case you have an existing problem with your sugar intake.

For Pets

CBD gummies meant for humans to consume may not be healthy for a pet. If yours ingests one, you should call the vet poison control helpline immediately, because it’s better to be safe than sorry. There are specially made CBD treats intended for pets, which have a lower concentration of certain ingredients such as sugar.