CBD For Sex

Men have products such as Cialis, Viagra, and others to treat sexual dysfunction. However, women do not have many options for sexual dysfunction, and those options are not as efficacious for some. That is perhaps why alternative solutions, including CBD oil for female arousal, are becoming more popular.

What can cannabidiol do for a woman in terms of sex? There is not much scientific research with regard to CBD for sex for women. Nevertheless, a study published recently in the Sexual Medicine journal indicates that phytocannabinoids are connected to increased libido and sexual satisfaction. A possible reason is that phytocannabinoids can act on the human endocannabinoid system (ECS) and thus regulate internal functions associated with sexual function.

Women also consume oral cannabidiol to reduce anxiety. On the other hand, research suggests that cannabidiol can make people calmer, potentially by activating brain-based serotonin receptors. It is a potentially good effect when attempting to have a desire for sex. There are still people who consume cannabidiol to aid them in getting good sleep at night. Gynecology specialist Alyssa Dweck from NYC stated that women often say that they get too tired for sex at night.

Dweck also said that when applied topically, like with CBD lubricant, cannabidiol may reduce the pain of a woman during sexual intercourse. For several women, the muscles in the vagina tighten in relation to pain during intercourse, which complicates penetration. Dweck feels that the anti-inflammatory and calming properties of cannabidiol may promote the relaxation of the said muscles.

According to the CBD legislation in your US state, you could also purchase it with tetrahydrocannabinol, the intoxicating compound in cannabis. Some industry experts recommend shopping for a cannabis derivative with 2.5 milligrams to 5 milligrams of THC. Consuming cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol can improve the therapeutic effects of the former and the latter. Getting the right cannabidiol to tetrahydrocannabinol ratio will let you enjoy the benefits of the cannabinoids without getting stoned.

Are you a first-time CBD user? If so, start with 5 milligrams to 10 milligrams of cannabidiol, and check how that dose affects you. See a pharmacist at a medical marijuana dispensary who can aid you in identifying the dose that suits you. For products with tetrahydrocannabinol, you may require a doctor’s prescription. Finding the dose may require some experimentation, which means trying out different dosages and seeing which one suits you.