CBD Oil For Flu Symptoms

The Winter season is like a nightmare for many people who are prone to getting the flu easily. You can certainly choose the traditional path and get anti-cold medications or even a flu vaccine, but you may also benefit from turning to natural therapies. Herbs, teas, vitamins, minerals, and plant-based extracts, including CBD oil, are examples of natural remedies. It is ideal to maintain your natural immunity while letting colds and bouts of the flu run their course, which is something that many doctors won’t tell you.

In this article, we will talk about how to use CBD oil for flu symptoms and to boost your immune system.

Does CBD Oil Actually Work For Managing Your Cold?

CBD is a phytocannabinoid that interacts with your endocannabinoid system (ECS) to provide you with various therapeutic benefits. The ECS is responsible for maintaining homeostasis and regulating many bodily functions. The interaction of CBD with ECS can selectively deactivate the parts of the immune system responsible for inflammation. CBD can also offer you better sleep and modulate sleep-wake cycles through their interaction with the CB1 receptors. CBD acting on the CB2 receptors can also contribute to its anti-inflammatory effects.

Due to its capacity to lessen flu and cold symptoms including discomfort and inflammation, CBD may be helpful for those who are suffering from flu.

Poor quality sleep can weaken your immune system and make you prone to more infections. By consuming CBD oil, you can ensure good quality sleep and thereby improve your immunity.

The cold will make you feel tired and you may feel a little blue. CBD improves the serotonin levels in your body and this can improve your mood.

CBD Dosage For Managing Flu Symptoms

Many studies are researching the possible benefits of CBD. But these studies require more clinical proof to confirm the efficacy of CBD for various diseases. As none of the studies have conclusively proved the effectiveness of CBD for flu symptoms, it is difficult to provide you with a standard dosage of CBD oil.

Researchers are suggesting using a CBD dosage between 25 mg to 175 mg per day to manage flu symptoms. It is better to start with a small dose and if the dose doesn’t seem to provide you any effect, increase the dosage.

You can consume CBD oil as an edible or can use them under your tongue. Using CBD oil under your tongue is more effective and quicker to take effect.