CBD And Pregnancy

The legalization of cannabidiol (CBD) and its use have created a lot of controversies among people. Even though a large number of studies suggest that this compound is safe to use, authorized agencies like the FDA have not approved the safety of this compound. Therefore, a lot of concerns are still existing among people about cannabidiol.

CBD is free of the adverse effects created by the cannabis plant when this compound is present alone. Additionally, most high-quality CBD products that are available in the market today are made from hemp plants that contain only a minute quantity of THC, the psychoactive compound in cannabis. Therefore, CBD products are generally considered to be safe for human use. This compound is even given to children for treating different health conditions in them naturally.

CBD And Pregnancy

A lot of pregnant women are now considering the use of CBD for dealing with various pregnancy symptoms. A woman might suffer from a large number of symptoms during pregnancy including morning sickness, vomiting, stress, anxiety, sleep issues, pain, etc. CBD is found to cure a lot of these symptoms naturally. Hence, many pregnant women are thinking of CBD as a natural cure for them.

However, the FDA warns against the use of CBD for pregnant and breastfeeding women, as it can affect the child adversely. By using CBD for pregnancy symptoms, you might be harming the fetus. Therefore, it is better to avoid the use of cannabidiol or any other cannabis products during the periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Why CBD Is Risky For Pregnant Women?

Although CBD is generally considered safe to use, its safety in pregnant and breastfeeding women is not tested properly. Therefore, there can be a lot of potential dangers created by this compound in pregnant women and fetuses.

Additionally, some low-quality CBD products in the market can contain high amounts of THC, which can lead to a lot of health issues. THC can increase the risk of premature birth, low birth weight, etc. So if the CBD product you use contains THC, then it can lead to a lot of unwanted effects.

Another problem associated with CBD products is the presence of contaminants. A lot of low-quality CBD products contain chemical pesticides, heavy metals, mold, bacteria, fungus, etc. which can be harmful to your health. These contaminants can create a large number of health issues in pregnant women.

Because of these reasons, it is better to avoid the use of CBD products if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.