CBD Health Benefits

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a cannabinoid found in the cannabis family of plants, especially the hemp plant. Unlike its isomer THC, cannabidiol is not psychotropic, i.e., it will not produce mind-altering effects. Along with this, it has many potential therapeutic effects and medical applications. The purpose of this article is to investigate the use of CBD for treating fibromyalgia.

Understanding CBD Health Benefits

CBD, also known as cannabidiol, produces its effects by stimulating the ECS through its receptors. One of the key functions of the ECS is regulating homeostasis through a network of complex cell signaling pathways.

It has been found from research that CBD activates serotonin receptors which play a key role in maintaining body temperature, pain perception, and reducing inflammation. Apart from this, recent studies show that cannabidiol may be useful for preventing the symptoms of psychosis and helps to ease the symptoms of depression. Due to these reasons, health care experts and researchers see potential in CBD for the treatment of pain disorders such as fibromyalgia.

The Research Of CBD For Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia causes chronic musculoskeletal pain along with other issues such as fatigue, cognitive issues, and insomnia. There is no known cure for this condition, and it mostly affects women. Having said that, there are treatments for managing the pain due to fibromyalgia.

Research studies have shown that cannabidiol (CBD) can be useful for easing pain and reducing inflammation. However, the FDA has not approved its use for the treatment of fibromyalgia due to a lack of sufficient evidence from clinical trials.

Earlier Studies On The Use Of CBD For Pain

In 2009 a study was conducted for understanding the effects of CBD on neuropathic pain. It was found that cannabidiol may be useful when used as a supplement along with other pain medications.

In 2011, a study was conducted with 56 women to study the effects of CBD on people with fibromyalgia. From this study, it was found that cannabidiol reduced pain and stiffness, and improved sleep.

Many studies are now being conducted to understand the therapeutic benefits of CBD. However, more research is required for understanding how CBD works at the cellular level. Because of this, before using cannabidiol (CBD), you must consult with a doctor to ensure that it is safe for you to use CBD for treating conditions like fibromyalgia.