CBD For Migraines

Migraines are intense headaches that can last from 4 hours to 3 days. A pounding sensation is felt on one side of your head. Almost all of the time, it feels like someone is squeezing your head while beating it with a hammer. Migraines can also cause nausea, vomiting, and light and sound sensitivity, in addition to excruciating pain. Over 38 million people in the United States suffer from migraine headaches. Migraines affect women three times as much as they do men.

In the United States, 18 percent of women and 6 % of males suffer from migraines on a regular basis. Despite its alarming frequency, we only know little about what causes it and how to combat it. Many people resort to natural resources for relief after failing with traditional therapy approaches, such as CBD oil. CBD can help with pain and inflammation, but new research suggests it could also help with migraines.

Traditional Treatments For Migraines

If you are not experiencing severe migraines and they are primarily caused by environmental factors, you could prevent them and so minimize the frequency with which they occur. The two most effective approaches to reduce migraine frequency are to manage stress and improve sleep quality. Taking OTC pain relievers and NSAIDs might help if they don’t work. Although no single treatment works for everyone, some of these techniques can help to minimize the frequency and intensity of migraine headaches once they begin.

CBD For Migraines

Even though studies in this field are still in their early stages — owing to federal restrictions on cannabis plants and their components until lately — there are a few signs that CBD could help with migraine attacks or severe headaches. The human body generates numerous endocannabinoids and Anandamide is one of them. It can both increase and reduce serotonin receptor activation. It has been proven to be tonically active in the brain’s gray matter that causes migraines.

The impact of anandamide administration in animal models was examined in a recent study. The study proved that a malfunctioning endocannabinoid system can lead to migraine headaches. According to the authors of the study, modulating CB1 and CB2 receptors may be beneficial in migraine treatment. CBD has the ability to adjust anandamide levels in the body and maintain appropriate concentrations in the brain, making it a potential migraine pain reliever.

Final Thoughts

CBD does not pose any health risk. Therefore, you can take it without any hesitation. However, make sure that no chemical ingredients are present in the CBD product you are buying for managing migraines.