CBD manufacturers and researchers have looked into the idea of exploiting the various holistic properties of CBD, and one that is starting to gain traction is its ability to help gain weight. But, why would anyone want to gain weight? some of you may be wondering. There are many people suffering from ailments and chronic conditions who are often left with a sore taste and a shattered appetite due to the constant pain and medication. They become anorexic as a result and are in the dire need of something that will kick start their taste buds. CBD could possibly be the answer that people are looking for, or is it? Read on to know.

Could CBD Help Promote Weight Gain?

The miracle drug has an astounding list of benefits that have made it a showstopper in the research circuits. CBD has been time and again seen to increase the appetite and this is noted in a study involving researchers interviewing 117 parents of children who are undergoing treatment with CBD for epileptic symptoms.

While almost all parents agreed on the weakened epileptic symptoms, as many as 30% of them agreed to the appetite of their kids increasing. The studies however are a mixed bag.

Another 3-month study involved giving 23 children with Dravet syndrome, a form of epilepsy, up to 25 mg of pure CBD per Kg of their body weight (11.4 mg of CBD per pound). The results showed some children consuming more and having a heightened appetite, while others experienced reduced appetite.

Another review was conducted with 2409 people and the results concluded that 6.35% or roughly 1 of every 15 people experienced increased hunger. There is a need to perform more research and study to understand the various factors that influence CBD weight gain. These factors that influence hunger may include genetics and even the type of strain being used.

The Final Note

The studies are there but not nearly enough to make a statement. Over time, as more and more is learned about CBD, more potent strains that specialize on this “appetite enhancing” can be grown. As for now, the ball is still up in the air as to whether CBD use will help in increasing hunger pains. The only way to be completely sure is to try it and see where it takes you. It may work or may not, but rest assured, taking CBD will help you holistically in many other aspects. So, in a way you really don’t have anything to lose out on!